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Code of Practice

We hope that all users of the premises will feel welcome but we do ask everyone to treat the premises responsibly. This means that all areas you have used should be left clean and tidy with surfaces wiped down and floors swept if necessary. Any used crockery or cutlery should be washed and put away. Please return any furniture that you have moved back to its original position. Please check that toilets are flushed and taps have been switched off. Windows should be closed, lights switched off and all doors closed securely.



Each of the rooms has a separate control unit. This will have been adjusted for your meeting where appropriate. To advance the heating, if required, move switch to ‘Man’ for manual. Please return switch to its previous setting (e.g. ‘Auto’ or ‘Off’) when you leave.

Terms and Conditions of Use

  • If any damage occurs this must be reported and, if necessary, paid for.

  • Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the premises.

  • Alcohol must never be brought on to the premises.

  • Gambling, including raffles or tombolas, is not allowed on the premises.

  • If an accident occurs, there is a First Aid Box in each of the upstairs rooms and in the Sanctuary Foyer. All details of the accident must be reported in the Accident Book kept in the corresponding First Aid Box.

  • Each hirer needs to make their own arrangements regarding public liability insurance, as the church’s insurance does not cover the activities of the hirers of the premises; a copy of the insurance schedule or details of the policy should be provided prior to confirmation of the booking.

  • The Church cannot be responsible for the safety of any items left on the premises. There is no provision of storage cupboards for use by groups.

  • The Church reserves the right to ask any group, using any of the rooms on a regular basis, to vacate the room for a one-off occasion should it need to use it for its own purposes, but would endeavour to give as much notice as possible and a full refund of booking fees.

  • Termination of a regular hiring is by 28 days notice on either side.

  • 28 days notice will also be given for any changes in charges, terms or conditions.

  • Any group which includes children, young people and vulnerable adults, must send a copy of their child protection policy with the booking form and proof of CRB/DBS clearance.

  • Regular users will pay a returnable deposit of £25 and will pay charges monthly in advance by the first Thursday of each month.​




Where children, young people or vulnerable adults are present as part of your group, you must confirm that you are:

  • Familiar with the Home Office Code of Practice ‘SAFE FROM HARM working with children and young people’;

  • Familiar with the Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and/or the Methodist Church Policy called ‘Safeguarding adults’ (2011);

  • Have an understanding of the relevant policy and procedures relevant to your group and undertake to comply with the relevant policy and procedures with your group.




Please bear the following points in mind.

  • Personal valuables need to be kept safe as the Church’s insurance won’t cover any loss.

  • In the evenings, the outside door should be kept locked at all times. It may be helpful if someone from your group is stationed at the door until all members have arrived.

  • You must never let anyone onto the premises who is not in your group.

  • Children should never answer the door, for their own safety.

  • Please do not allow anyone to remove anything from the premises without checking their identity and authority.

Fire Doors and Fire Action

Fire doors are to be left shut at all times, never wedged open or obstructed in any way. If a fire does occur:

  • Always put personal safety first.

  • Do not block any exit routes.

  • Raise the alarm by breaking the glass on the nearest safe alarm point and by calling the fire brigade.

  • Be aware of the location of extinguishers and alarm points.

  • Evacuate all occupants as priority.

  • If possible, close doors and turn off any gas or electrical appliances.

  • If appropriate, use the fire extinguisher.

  • The refuge points for people in the event of an evacuation are:
    – From the front main entrance, to meet on the pavement opposite the Church building on St George’s Terrace;
    – From the rear exit, to meet on the right hand side adjacent to the Library.​


Approved by the Church Council, Spring 2007 (Revised February 2012)

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